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    Aves de Paso Ecuador (german: “Zugvögel”) is an organization founded by returning ex-volunteers of the Zugvögel program. Our group consists of people who have come together from the same experiences, common dreams and goals. We want to create a real global INTERCULTURAL EXCHANGE and bring down barriers based on economic rather than social preferences. We want to make our dream come true for many more Zugvögel. The volunteer service is our instrument which we use to realize a real cultural exchange.

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AvesdePasoEc/

    News from Aves de Paso



    Hello everybody! My name is Victor Zambrano. I was born in Esmeraldas, a town in northeastern Ecuador, historically known for its African roots. I studied psychology with a focus on…


    Qamkunapah – For you! This is Qechua from the region of Cuzco (Perú). I am from Ecuador and this is – just like Perú – a country in Latin America.…