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Zugvögel [Migratory Birds] are also flying in the capital! The Berlin regional group currently consists of around 15 active members. We usually meet once a week (alternating between Monday and Tuesday evening), every time in a different place. In a cosy atmosphere, we deal with tasks related to the volunteer program, plan cool political campaigns or simply discuss about topics that we find interesting and important.
Concrete tasks for the volunteer program are for example the search for projects and host families, the organisation of seminars and the accompaniment of the volunteers who live in Berlin. In previous years, Zugvögel volunteers from Ecuador, Nepal and Rwanda have worked in various projects in Berlin. In the current generation, there is also a Zugvögel volunteer in Berlin – until the end of summer 2019, Vanessa from Ecuador lives and works in Berlin and we are very happy to have the chance to accompany her.
In addition, we organize different kinds of (political) events from time to time: our range goes from talks or movie nights to solidarity parties (in order to collect donations) or creative guerilla actions. Last year, we have for example organised a panel discussion on the topic of German visa issuance (article and recording). Our most recent project deals with voluntourism. Besides public events we also organise internal meetings of our association. For instance, in November 2018 we were happy to host the annual general meeting of Zugvögel in Berlin!
We are always open for new ideas and are happy about welcoming new faces in our group. Simply drop us a line (using the contact form on the left side) and come over to one of our upcoming meetings.
Looking forward to meeting you!
Best wishes from the regional group Berlin