“You are rich because you are white”

In the end of January we screened the film “Concerning Violence” by the swedish director Göran Olsson in Osnabrück that shows “nine scenes from the anti-imperialist self-defense” in various African countries from the 60s, 70s and 80s. The film is cut from material of other swedish documentary film teams that Read more…

Mid-term seminar

This is the english version. Anfang September durften wir die Freiwilligen der Generation 17/18 in Hamburg begrüßen. Eva (Evelin) und Victor aus Ecuador und Taly (Citlally) und Romeo aus Mexico kamen ohne größere Hindernisse am ersten September an und verbrachten…

Decolonize orientational framework

The Zugvögel have signed the open letter „Decolonize orientational framework“ alongside 70 other organizations, initiatives, associations and scientists. The letter can be accessed via the following link. The organizational framework has over the last years evolved into the reference frame for the activities within the concepts of global learning and Read more…